Friday, October 4, 2013

Weaknesses Can Be a Strength

Have you ever heard someone say that a person succeeded because "they didn't know any better?"  I think there is really some power to that.  If you allow them, there is a percentage of people out there that will tell you every reason they can think of that something (you want to do) won't work.  As a rule, these folks have not accomplished anything themselves, mind you.  But these "no people" are great at taking the winds out of others' sails.

So there are two ways around that.  You can either be to bull-headed and stubborn (and passionate, and enthusiastic and determined) to listen to them, or you can be totally ignorant of them.

Mind you, I think it's tough to avoid the voices of the critics sometimes.  But I think a healthy dose of "negativity ignorance" will serve you well. 

Here Gary Vaynerchuk talks about his Dumb Questions and Ignorance have helped him succeed.

 I love this line here "If you know what the rules are, you feel obligated to operated within them." 

This is no argument for not putting in the time to understand your craft.  That's an important distinction.  But freeing yourself from the box of "what can't be done" can be a real big first step to success. 

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