Monday, October 7, 2013

Selling To Me on Social Media...a case study

When I meet with clients who are just now considering a move into the Social Media world, I tell them it's a "long-term" play.  The way Social Media is done well, I tell them, is to create relevance, build a relationship, and engage.  Then, after a relationship is have a real opportunity to grow your business through these contacts. 

Sometimes I think it's hard for businesses to think that far ahead.  I think that feels like "hope" as a strategy.  So I thought I would share a quick story about how I was "sold" through Social Media.  So here goes...

I came across the name Gary Vaynerchuk as I was promoting my first book and his was coming out about the same time.  His book Crush It became a giant best-seller and I was really intrigued by his "out of the box" thinking and enthusiasm.  I will tell you...I did not buy that book.

I did, however, start to pay attention to articles, posts, videos and mentions of Gary and was more and more interested in what he had to say.  I subscribed to his Youtube channel so I could see when he came out with a new video (to see if he had something to say that spoke to me).  I followed him on Twitter.  Silently...I became a fan.

Then several years later I came across his next book "The Thank You Economy" in a bookstore.  I bought it.  (Great book if you are interested WHY Social Media works). 

Since then I have really started to engage with Gary's brand.  He has a new book coming out called "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook" and I will get that as soon as it comes out.

He turned me from completely unaware, to aware, to interested, to a customer to an evangalist...all on Social Media!  It was a long term play.  But how many evangalists could your brand use?

What will you do to get them?

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