Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Give Change A Chance

It seems like every time there is ANY kind of change with a mass-used tool, people lose their minds.  Every time Facebook dares to change a layout, the timeline blows up for about 2 days while people realize the buttons have moved.  It REALLY upsets people.  But what I find interesting is that after about those 2 days, I don't hear much about it at all.

The wasn't the layout the people didn't like.  It was that it changed.

I am human.  So though I am pretty open to change in most cases, I sometimes get bent out of shape when something "has been moved."  But most of the time, we need to give change a chance.

Often, after a change has been made for a while, then I go back to it to see how I feel.  If, after a week, a month, or whatever appropriate time I still feel that it's not might have more merit.

But try not to flip out the moment someone "moves your cheese."  You might like the new place even better!

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