Thursday, November 21, 2013

Does Everything Need To Be Groundbreaking?

Gary Vaynerchuk is coming out with a new book very soon called "Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Cross."  Gary is one of my favorite thought leaders.  He speaks out passionately about Social Media, the digital business world and how to do business in today's (and tomorrow's) economy.  I like his style and his philosophy.

Recently he was featured in the New York Times and one of the "knocks" on him was that though he is constantly pushing out content, some of it is not "groundbreaking."  That comment struck me.

Does every piece of content you put out have to "groundbreaking?"  That seems like a daunting task...and a reason that many people just decide not to put out content at all.  This notion is silly.

Put out content that strikes you.  Put it out in your voice.  Be authentic.  I read (and hear, and see) content every day that is not "groundbreaking."  But it still speaks to me.  Sometimes we just need to hear the same advice from a different a different time in our life.  Then it will resonate and make a difference in our lives.

I would never have read Emerson if it had not been for Wayne Dyer.  Dyer pointed out the teachings of I went back and read them.  The new voice provided me insight so I could learn from an older one.

So don't feel like every piece of content has to be "groundbreaking."  Hopefully it will be good.  Hopefully it will resonate.

But first step...just make it happen!

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