Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Home Stretch

When you are working on a project, sometimes the hardest part is the "home stretch."  It's that last part of the project where you need to just finish the last part.  This can be tough for quite a few reasons...

1)  Maybe you made the mistake of saving the most challenging for last. 
2)  You are nit-picking over details.
3)  You are nervous that people will not like it!  So you are simply delaying.

I get it.  Now is the time to knuckle down and crank it out.  If you are this close to the end, finishing is probably easier than you think.  This is the time to simply lock in, block out distractions, and pound it out.   You will be glad you did.

Set a date.  Lock the door.  Finish.

If your project is like most, the home stretch is just the beginning anyway.

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