Monday, February 17, 2014

The 10X Rule

Are you really working as hard as you possibly can toward your goals?  Are you thinking big enough?  Or are you allowing yourself to be brought down to "average" levels of action and success? 

These are the questions that Grant Cardone asks (and asks and asks) in his book The 10X Rule.  Cardone suggests that most people simply don't dream big enough and therefore don't work hard enough to reach the level of success they desire. 

I agree.  And though I don't think Cardone covers any earth shatteringly new ground here, it's still work the read (or as I am doing, listen).  He reminds you that if you are not dreaming big enough and working hard enough, you will never be as successful as you can be. 

For me, I am taking this message to heart.  I am creating a new action plan for myself...for each day.  This makes sense to me because I can't control whether a customer purchases...but I can control my action. 

So I am going to 10X my activity for the next 90 days!  Let's see what happens!

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