Friday, March 21, 2014

Saying Thank You Enough

I am blessed with an amazing wife.  She and I have a great partnership (I think).  She is energetic, giving, thoughtful and loving (there is a point to this I promise).  She does a ton around the house (in addition to working at our office) to keep things rolling.  One of the things she does in our house is the laundry.  She does it all!

I know, I am lucky.

We were in a meeting the other day, with supplier Kari Morevec, who pointed out that if someone else does the laundry, you can't complain.  It's just nice that they did it!  I smiled at the time because I know that I NEVER complain about the laundry!  I understand how good I have it!

But then something else occurred to me.

It's not enough to not complain.  As is the case with the laundry--and all of the little things that your spouse, kids, team members and peers do for you--we need to APPRECIATE!  It seems like a common sense thing, but we know that it doesn't always happen for us.  And if we are honest with ourselves, we don't always do it either.

Here's the other thing.  Me saying "thanks for doing the laundry" once is not enough.  I need to repeatedly (and sincerely) thank Amy for taking care of me and my family.  When I tell this story about me you are probably saying "of course you should!"

But are you?

1 comment:

Kirby Hasseman said...

It occurs to me that I forgot one thing in this blog post! Thank YOU Amy Hasseman! :)