Wednesday, March 5, 2014

One Key to Video is Brevity

We do professional video production for companies and have done so for a long time now.  For quite a long time I have preached to companies and organizations that "brevity" was their friend when it comes to video.  Here is a (short) video blog about it!

When I first started doing video, clients would say to me "I want a 30 minute video to tell about my company."  I would say, "No you don't."  The fact is, most organizations create videos that they are interested in watching...not their customer.  We are all guilty of it. 

The thing that has changed is the definition of brevity.  I used to tell customers that they wanted to create a video that was 3 to 7 minutes in length (with 7 really being too long).  But that has even changed.  In this world where everyone can create video (not everyone can create good video, but that's another discussion) there is SO much content out there.  Consumers have tons of options and can jump from video to video without blinking an eye.  And once you've lost them...their gone.

The fact is, many people (myself included) will look to see how long a video is before they even click on it!

So REALLY consider the length of your video.  Brevity is your friend. 

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