Sunday, February 15, 2015

Last Week at HMC 2/8 - 2/14

Well last week felt like a was it?  Let's take a look at the week that was at HMC!

5 Lessons from Garth:  The week started off with the posting of one of our most read blogs.  Kirby attended a Garth Brooks concert recently.  Did he have fun?  Very much!  But he also walked away with 5 lessons from the greatest entertainer of our generation. 

The Weekly Word:  By it's very name you know this video piece comes out every week.  But this week we got more interaction than normal...and we love that!  This week the word was "Look," as in Look the part.  Are you making sure you have the right look and tone when you call on clients?  Check out this Weekly Word and keep the feedback coming!

Supplier Visits:  We take a great deal of pride in keeping up with the latest trends and products in our industry.  One way we do this is through supplier visits!  Wednesday we had a full day of suppliers that came to show us what was hot and new!

We started the day off with Kari Caruso from S & S who showed us the latest in apparel.  Next we welcomed Sarah from Gold Bond.  Finally we had Andrea from Flying Colors and Brian from Starline into the office.  It was a long day but we got a lot out of the visits.  So thanks to these awesome folks!  Now feel free to set up and appointment so we can show you what we learned!

Un-Break Relationships:  Ever had a relationship that went sideways?  Of course...we all have.  Here are two quick ways to improve that bond today.

Be Un-Reasonable:  So many times we consider opportunities through the lens of whether or not it is "reasonable."  If you do that, you will likely miss a lot of great opportunities.  Want to be more successful?  Be more unreasonable.

Delivering Marketing Joy:  Finally, don't forget about your weekly dose of #MarketingJoy!  On this week's episode (number 18!) we talk to Tee Hamilton about creativity and how to open your eyes to more!  Tee is please make sure you check that out! 

Oh...and please feel free to subscribe to Kirby's YouTube we are constantly putting more and more content there.  You don't want to miss it!

Well that's why it felt like a blur this week.  We will keep it keep tuning in!

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