Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Owning Your Goals

I have heard people recently say that you might want to keep your goals to yourself.  They feel that you might be better off, more likely to succeed, or safer by not announcing your intentions to the universe.  I couldn't disagree more.

I am a huge proponent of regularly putting your goals and dreams on paper.  I think you should do so for your own motivation and internalization.  But I also like the idea of putting that paper up in your office or home so you can see them every day.

I also believe there is power in sharing your goal or dream with others.  It takes guts to do this.  After all, you might fail.  But in my experience, by putting your goal on paper, you are several steps toward achieving it.  But telling others, (if they are the right people) you now have a support system and a cheering section.

I like what Seth Godin says today about "Owning" it.  Get out there and Dream Big.  Now tell someone.  Now do the next right thing to make it happen!

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