Thursday, December 12, 2013

Top 5 Marketing Voices of 2013

It's time for the heavily anticipated, first ever, Hasseman Marketing "Top Marketing Voices of 2013!"  We have been combing the internet for the best of the best.  As a company, we have spent a great deal of 2013 looking for interesting voices from the business world to educate and inspire us.  Now we are excited to share our TOP 5!

Drum roll please...

5. Joe Pulizzi:  Joe is the author of Epic Content Marketing and the owner of Content Marketing Institute.  (According to his Twitter bio, he says he is also obsessed with the color orange...FYI).  Joe Pulizzi has been extremely important in the way Hasseman Marketing has just begun to go to business.  His book is full of great ideas on ways to use content marketing (a term he has helped to shape and promote) to build your business.

 4.  Jeff Haden In searching for great articles and content to share each and every day, one voice kept coming to the top.  Jeff Haden has a great writing style with a casual voice and is not afraid to have fun...and make fun of himself.  He tells stories from his experience and often takes on topics that provide insight...and a smile.  You can find Jeff Haden as a Linkedin influencer and writer for 

3.  Richard Branson The founder of Virgin, Richard Branson has been impossible to miss in 2013.  From the cover of business magazines, to his daily blogs of inspiration, to the best damn Airplane Safety video ever, Richard Branson is a great inspiration to anyone that is looking to push the envelope.  I look forward each and every time I see a new article written by or about him!  He inspires us to not think out of the box...but to think without the box!

2.  Seth Godin:  Seth Godin has been referred to as the "Father of Modern Marketing."  I am not sure if he wants that title, but his knowledge and vision is unrivaled.  His blog (which he somehow continues to churn out thought-provoking posts each day) is a daily motivational watering hole you should be drinking from.  He is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, mentor and compelling agitator.  One of the things we love most about Seth Godin is he is an original thinker...and he challenges.  Awesome. 

And the number one marketing voice in 2013 as determined by our panel of experts is...

1.  Gary Vaynerchuk:  Gary is the leading voice in Social Media today.  Gary is obsessed with hard work (he calls hustle), creating content, and establising context in the digital world.  His new best-selling book (Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook) is a must read for any business owner or business marketer that wants to break through the clutter.  But the brilliance of Gary Vaynerchuk, is that he gives SO much on the front end (he calls these Jabs), when he asks (his Right Hook), you trust him!  We feel like we KNOW Gary.  Seriously.  He has no idea who we are.  But he has provided so much content through videos on his YouTube Channel, blogs, etc., that we have a relationship with him. 

It's an All-Star Cast of business leaders and writers that are sure to provide education, inspiration and motivation for your business!  You're welcome!

We would love your feedback!

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