Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Showing Appreciation Creates Better Employees

Once you move past the basic notion of keeping workers safe, your goal should be to keep team members focused and happy!  Happy workers are much more likely to help you create the customer experience you want.  

Why?  I think its basic human psychology. 

If your team feels un-appreciated, un-safe or un-happy, they will be spending a great deal of their time and energy “protecting themselves.”  This energy might be channeled into making sure they get credit for work, bringing down others, complaining, or simply looking for another job!  All of that time will NOT be directed to making your customers get a great experience.  

And oh by the way, if you do lose team members, how hard is that on the team (and the customer experience)?  Studies show that replacing a team member costs 1 ½ times more to the business based on training, time off, interviewing, etc.  Let’s face it; replacing a good team member is a real pain!
So what can we do to make sure the team feels appreciated?  There are lots of ways to make your team feel appreciated.  And frankly, there is no “right” way to do it.  But the good news is, your team members are no different than your customers!  They do want to be valued…so the concepts are the same.  Let’s start with just a few here!

Greeting Cards:  You may want to dismiss this as old school (and it is) but sending your team members the occasional “thank you” card will absolutely make them feel special!  I do this every now and then for our team.  I don’t want it to be a scheduled thing because then they might come to expect it.  The magic is when they open their mail to find a sincere note from me…out of the blue!  “Thanks for being a part of the team…and making it a better place!”  It’s a simple, but wildly powerful, message.  

Service Awards:  What does this mean?  Quite simply, it means you create a program that makes a public display of appreciation for their time served on your team.  It can be a certificate, a watch, a ring, etc.  But it creates a lasting bond that reminds them why they like working for you in the first place!

Oh…and for those that say, “My employees just want cash.”  No they don’t.  More and more studies are showing that cash is LESS valuable than a real gift and show of appreciation.  Cash will be spent on groceries and gas.  The idea of something like this is to create a positive memory every time the employee looks at the gift.  That creates real long term value!  I don’t mind the idea of including cash if you want…but it shouldn’t be the only thing!

Incentive Awards:  The concept is very similar here as with Service Awards.  You want to give your team a reason to strive.  Cash might be a part of it, but the most powerful gifts are more than that.  I remember vividly when my wife and I were recognized as Sales Leaders of the Year back in 2004.  We received a watch and were brought up in front of the group.  I still wear that watch and remember that day fondly!  It’s about creating lasting bonds and memories like that with your team!

Team Day Out:  Take just one day out of the office as a team together and do something fun.  We will take a day each year and head to restaurant and head out on a boat.  We usually try to do some sort of team building exercise in order to get to know each other better as well.  Each company culture is different.  But we find this is a fun way to get tighter as a group.

As I said, there is not a specific “right” way to create this kind of culture.  But there is a real connection to a good team…and how they treat your customers.  So you need to consider bringing “joy” to your team if you hope for them to Deliver Joy!
This is a short excerpt from the upcoming book "Delivering Marketing Joy!" 

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