Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Keep it Short

Since we are video production company, we get lots of video requests (that's a good thing).  One thing that happens quite a bit is an organization will say, "We would like a 15 minute video."

Without exception I say, "No you don't." 

This is not because they don't need a video.  Quite the contrary, most businesses need to do more with video, not less.  But when doing a video, less IS more!  You need to keep it short.

As I mention in this video blog, that movie trailer that annoyed you for giving away "the whole movie" was only 2 1/2 minutes long! 

So if you want a video that tells your story, keep it short.  The rule of thumb is, think about how long you think it might need to be and then cut it by 2/3!

Keep it short and you will keep their attention!

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