Monday, May 24, 2010

Planting the Seeds of Growth...with Email

It was a great weekend for the first time in my spring season, and my wife and I actually had the time to work in the yard. (My wife did most of the work, but who's counting?). But it reminded me that now is a great time to plant the seeds of growth for your business. Here are some tips on the way to grow your business through email marketing!

1. Only send emails to persons who have requested it. Don’t SPAM. It’s unwanted, ineffective and will tarnish your company’s reputation.
2. Only include content relevant to the person who requested it.
3. Be consistent with your sending frequency. Pick a schedule and stick to it.
4. In most cases, send B2B emails Tuesday through Thursday. Send them around 9:30 or 1:30. It’s best to avoid B2B emails after 4pm or on weekends.
5. Business to consumer emails should go 5pm to 8pm Tuesday – Thursday or Friday evening to Sunday afternoon.
6. To improve deliverability add a message at the top of your emails that says something like: To ensure receipt of our emails, please add to your Address Book.
7. Make the from name of the email either the company name or the name of the person sending it. Once you choose that name, keep it. During the split second decision subscribers make whether to open your email, the most important facor in their decision is whether they recognize the FROM name.
8. When possible in clued both a plain text and HTML message. 5% of those receiving the message will only see a message with nothing if you don’t do this. Most email management companies help you do this.
9. Don’t use all caps or multiple exclamation points within your subject line or body. Doing this will trigger spam filters.
10. Build your list at every opportunity. If you have retail locations, add a point of sale sign up form. At conferences or events ask everyone you speak with if you may add them to your list after you exchange cards. Finally, add your newsletter sign up form to every page on your website.

Want more great tips like this? Check out the Think Big Marketing Business Kit!

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