Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Get Your Marketing Plan in Order for 2010

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are ready for a blessed holiday season. This time of year is a great time to plan for a successful next year. So here are some tips to make sure you are planning BIG for next year.

1) Be targeted this year. Don't just throw a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks! Great companies target their customers properly and measure their results.
2) Know your Marketing Tools (in your area). Some companies market nationally but to a specific audience. Some companies market locally or regionally. It's important to know those customers because then you can know the best marketing tools to reach them.
3) Figure out the numbers you want to spend.
4) Create a Marketing Theme. This can be for the year, for the quarter or for the month, but create a theme to build your marketing around.
5) Match the Tools with the theme and budget and make 2010 a BIG year!

Want more great marketing tips? Get the book Think Big Marketing For Small Business! You can find more information at or by contacting me!

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