Thursday, August 20, 2009

Release Date for the Book!

We have an official release date of the new book Think Big Marketing for Small Business! October 19th is the date the publisher has named, but don't wait! You can actually place pre-orders now with the publisher.

"If you are looking to increase sales and profitability for your small business, then it's time to start thinking big! In Think Big Marketing for Small Businesses, you can learn to:

�Create Your Think Big Marketing Plan
�Decrease Your Marketing Waste
�And Reach Customers Right Where They Are!

Think Big Marketing for Small Businesses helps you create a targeted marketing approach that is sure to be on the mark! And since Think Big Marketing is written for the busy small business owner, it is quick and easy to read! So don�t wait another minute to take your small business to the next level�get this book and start thinking big today!"

1 comment:

Salle Beckwith said...

This is crazy - you're an author! and to think "i knew you when ..." I would actually like to purchase the book; however, i want a signed copy, so i'm not going to order online. Contact me directly to set me up! and big congrats - seriously!